The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131567 Message #2970352
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
22-Aug-10 - 03:59 AM
Thread Name: SoH Israeli-backed attack on EFDSS!
Subject: RE: SoH Israeli-backed attack on EFDSS!
I think a good follow-up to 'Arrogance, Ignorance & Greed' would be 'Hypocrites & Promises in the Promised Land'
It could be a song which speaks of fAlse fRiends who Speak with Forked Tongues, Fingers Crossed behind their backs, and Smiles Worn on the Dark Sides of their Faces.........
This could be followd by another, called 'Friendship, Trust & Loyalty'
And this song would speak of those who are True Friends, who use their Tongues only for Supportive Words, whilst their Smiles Shine Out from the Honest Side........
"Stick gets wrong end of Lizzie Cornish"
If a Stick carries a Tree Spirit inside, whose Goodness & Honesty is as Twisted as the Home in which it Dwells, then yes, it will always get 'the wrong end' of me...