The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131657   Message #2972113
Posted By: Howard Jones
24-Aug-10 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and good business practice
Subject: RE: EFDSS and good business practice
Mattkeen, you quote the EFDSS's objectives, but what I'd like to know is what it's actually doing to achieve them.

Can we take it as read that the VWL is a Good Thing? It was discussed at length only recently, and I'd prefer to focus on EFDSS's other activities.

It's right and proper that EFDSS makes full use of C# House to put on events and courses. However these are of interest only to a small minority who live in reach of Camden Town. The same goes for the shop (I assume you're talking about a physical shop - the online shop doesn't seem to offer much which isn't available from other specialist retailers). What is it doing for the rest of the country? Until it spreads its activities wider, it will find it hard to shake off its image as Camden Town Folk Club, and hard to attract more members.

Many of its reported activities seem to be concerned with establishing links with the contemporary and community dance world. Interesting no doubt, educational certainly, and possibly helpful in bringing folk music into the arts establishment which may lead to further funding. I'm sure such work has its place. However I struggle to see much relevance to the grass-roots activities which most folk enthusiasts are involved in on a day to day basis.