The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131657 Message #2972634
Posted By: Howard Jones
25-Aug-10 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and good business practice
Subject: RE: EFDSS and good business practice
Vic, I have some reservations about the ethics of joining an organisation with the intention of changing it from what it is into something I would like it to be. I would rather join an organisation which, in broad terms, already matches my values and provides me with what I require. Otherwise, I am reminded of those people who move to the country and then try to stop the bells ringing and the cocks crowing.
I wonder what the Society intends to do to make more attractive to all those people active in the folk world who aren't currently members. Perhaps it should run a survey to discover how it is perceived and what people would like to see it do. It can then (if it wishes) make the changes from within.
As for becoming an active participant in its activities, since these all appear to revolve around C# House, how can someone do that if they don't live within convenient reach of London?