The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131679   Message #2973000
Posted By: Tangledwood
25-Aug-10 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some auto safety tips I didn't know
Subject: RE: BS: Some auto safety tips I didn't know
The pale yellow/orange glasses have been around for many years - I seem to remember something about various Air Forces having them.

The benefit there, I think, is that blue wavelengths are filtered which would be helpful at higher altitudes. In that situation we're talking about visual distances of many tens of kilometres, not the hundred metres or so in heavy rain at ground level. I would be rather concerned if I saw a pilot donning sunglasses to land when it's raining.

Here's another thought - our pupils dilate according to how bright the scene is. If the light is bright the aperture is small which gives a better depth of field than when the aperture is large. So the darker the glasses we wear, the lesser the range of distances that appear properly focused is.