The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2910   Message #2973721
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Dietz
26-Aug-10 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Suitors (O Le Le O Bahia) (trad. Brazil)
My mom, Beverly Dietz, was the nurse and director at Seabow from the time I was a little boy; I spent a lot of time there and really enjoyed it. I have exceptionally strong and good memories of the place, Mrs. Armand, the cookhouse[and songs], the campfire, swimming[it's where I learned to swim], work parties, and on and on. After that I spent my summers at Camp Ravencliff[YMCA]. Seabow was apparently bought by a group of physicians it was rumored to have been logged to some extent beforehand...maybe some illegal agricultural use as well. My last visit was in 1969 as a Calif.Division of Forestry firefighter from Laytonville; helped with the Smoky Bear talks. RIP Seabow.