The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131657 Message #2974128
Posted By: Old Vermin
27-Aug-10 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and good business practice
Subject: RE: EFDSS and good business practice
Trying not to be too picky, but the first thing to leap out was that Verity Sharp presents on Radio 3, a BBC channel, not on BBC3 which is a 'yoof' television channel.
Always easier to spot other people's minor errors than one's own, of course.
Interesting bit, for me, is "choreographic project for professional choreographers on morris and contemporary dance forms." Now why I have I immediately thought of Laurel Swift and Morris Offspring? I did of course manage to miss the project itself when it was going on in 2009.
Someone recently suggested doing eceilidh dance as a display.Anyone already done so?
Does the advocacy and lobbying include encouraging reform of the Public Entertainment Licensing nonsense, perchance?