The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129466   Message #2974465
Posted By: Teribus
28-Aug-10 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
OK Don answer the question yourself.

What are the points of difference between Prince William Sound and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico?

In the two instances you wish compare how did the oil get there?

In the two instances you wish to compare is it true that oil occurs naturally through seabed seepage in one location but not at the other?

In the two instances you wish to compare is it true that in one location because of millenia of crude oil seepage microbes naturally exist and evolve that literally eat and break down the oil, and that such microbes are totally absent at the other location?

What are the points of difference in the characteristics of the oil being transported through Prince Edward Sound and that escaping from the Macondo Well?

Does BP have some special blessing when they screw up, Teribus?

I'm quite sure they just wish it would all go away, and they seem to be trying to simply pull a bag over their head and blythly walk away, whistling a merry little tune.

You are talking here I presume Don about the Major International Oil Company who:

1) IMMEDIATELY faced up to their responsibilities from the outset;

2) Voluntarily declared that they WOULD NOT hide behind the US$75 million ceiling on liability from the outset;

3) Who then proceeded to do everything in their power to mitigate the damage caused and seal off the well.

Now if you want comparisons Don shall I go into how Exxon behaved after the Valdez incident dropped off the radar, how Dow Chemicals (Union Carbide) has behaved after Bhopal; or Occidental Oil behaved after the Piper Alpha.

By fresh revelations each day it becomes clearer and clearer that this accident was caused not by BP but by the actions of the specialist contractors that they employed, both predominantly US Companies - OK now let us see President Barack Obama hold their feet to the fire, lets see that political "light-weight" keep his boot on their necks.