The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2974671
Posted By: Stringsinger
28-Aug-10 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Ron you are under misapprehensions about atheism.

"Interesting that many of the same players are here as were earlier telling us about the incomparable crime of a nurse praying for a patient--never mind that the patient herself did not seem to have any objection."

First of all, nothing fails like prayer.

" US atheists are also not helping their cause--with the exception of Bill D, they also appear incapable of rational thinking. and reasonable debate."

This is patently false.

"I don't consider myself in the least religious but I do believe in fair play for all points of view--and on Mudcat religion seems to be the #1 scapegoat for most ills of the world.".

I wouldn't call your bias against atheism as fair play. I'd call it intolerance.

" Start with Hitler, Stalin and Mao---together responsible for more deaths than anybody else in human history."

Religion has been responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Stalin and Mao put together.
Also, Hitler was raised a Catholic and he condemned atheism.

"Atheism has been an unmitigated disaster for mankind. Religion has had much misery inflicted in its name.   But atheism wins this contest hands down.    Congratulations to all you atheists."

This statement is blind prejudice and nothing else. It's complete propaganda.

"And religion, for its believers, is a very real source of comfort.   Please tell us about how comforting atheism is for you."

Actually atheism can be very comforting because it frees the mind from the shackles
of dogma. It's like being released from a prison.

" agnosticism is an eminently reasonable stance for a thinking person to take. Atheism is not--for the same reason that fundamentalist religion is not."

Agnosticism and atheism are not mutually exclusive. There are agnostic atheists as well as many kinds.

McGrath, atheism is not a "faith" or belief. It is a lack of faith or belief in religion and
that's all it is.