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Thread #129466   Message #2974737
Posted By: Stringsinger
28-Aug-10 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spil
Arthur, the American people have not had the influence in Washington that a true democracy requires. It's true that BP has been given carte blanche by the regulatory agencies and this is one of the big deceptions of the Obama Administration. Still, to blame American citizens who may wind up paying taxes and job losses for BP's malfeasance is the height of lack of charity. If it happened in Britain, I doubt the reaction on the part of the citizenry would be
much different than here in the US.

BP screwed up and wrecked the Gulf of Mexico and put fishermen and other tradespeople
out of business. And you want to blame them for it?

BTW they are not honoring their debts to the working people of the Gulf as we knew they wouldn't. They are chiseling out by perverting the regulatory system and unfortunately
they are allowed to get away with it. The American people are being short-changed by this crooked goliath.