The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131728   Message #2975197
Posted By: Bill D
29-Aug-10 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: having a bad week?
Subject: RE: BS: having a bad week?
Besieged by entropy! Too many things falling apart all at once. Plumbing, computers, underwear, stonewall around the patio collapsing....etc.

except that Nature has been raining, and that means ANTI entropy...grass and weeds and vines and 'volunteer' trees have been getting ahead of me for months!and all that means mosquitoes are in full attack mode!....except that entropy in Nature is also attacking, as storms have covered the lawn, roof, patio and driveway in dead limbs and leaves and I have been hurrying to pick up and bag all the dead and cut bits, so I can mow and trim all the live and overwhelming bits, and I have to go buy MORE lawn trimming bags so I can put out both remnants of dead and cut back live bits.

and that rain? It didn't all stay outside! A bunch of it got INSIDE the basement, and I have been drying damp pieces of carpet out in the driveway and running fans and dehumidifiers in my workshop so I can get back to whatever it is I do there when I am not running in circles trying to decide which form of entropy to deal with.

Oh...and my local bank has been bought out by a bigger bank...(6th time in 25 years)...and in 2 weeks, I have to redo all my passwords and checks)

...and I am being deluged with mail & phone calls about elections....

I have "Red Queen Syndrome" ..."sometimes I have to run EVER so hard, just to stay in the same place"