The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2975636
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Aug-10 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"doing to atheists what... they do to Christians..."


Go to the head of the class.

And if by some chance atheists don't like it, they may, as I noted--did you not read what I wrote earlier?-- start to realize what the religious feel like with the singularly absurd smears and sneering remarks they aim at all Christians.

The shoe is on the other foot.   Fair is fair.

And, not being bound by the Golden Rule, since I am not religious, I will opt rather for the Code of Hammurabi.

If the atheists stop their smearing of Christianity and Christians in toto, I will withdraw my requests of the illustrious atheists we are honored to have on Mudcat. And not before.

All I am interested in is fair play.   But if the other side does not believe in it, I can live with that.   And act accordingly.

Though, as I have said, it's obvious to anybody with any grasp of history that atheism has in fact been a total disaster for mankind. Religion has not. And I have given exact examples.

Still waiting for the requested contributions by atheists in the categories I cited.

And the opening poster's remark I cited on Obama is from another thread--which I also cited. Does nobody here read anything?

I think 'genteel racist' fits rather snugly.   The alternative might be "clumsy and boorish prig". Perhaps you prefer that.