The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131720   Message #2976691
Posted By: Donuel
31-Aug-10 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: King/Sharpton v. Beck/Palin Saturday!!!
Subject: RE: BS: King/Sharpton v. Beck/Palin Saturday!!!
I have one thing to say.

If you look at both Reverend Martin Luther King and Glen Beck, Glen's 'Palin' comparison ;^}

that said...(run on sentence alert)
Just because Glen calls the President of the United States a racist who hates white people and white culture and that Muslims are terrorists who need killing and Barak might be a Muslim or that The President is a Socialst bent on the destruction of the United States with Communists like Van Jones and that Obama is about to use Nazi techniques to rid America of its Constitution and religious Americans and that it only takes one person or one bullet to change history...doesn't mean he is inciting violence or the assasination of the President.
More likely it means that he is determined to keep making $32,000,000 dollars a year and that he is giving his employers what they want, which is the elimination of a populist movement and its President by any merans necessary in order to advance the interests of multi national banks and corporations.

If progressives really cared you would use the truth to do what Glen does with lies. Right now comedians like Stewart and Colbert are the first line of defensive against the right.

Where are the heavy handed left propogandists?   For example you could publish the fact that Fox News is foreign owned and operated by Australian Murdoch and the number 2 owner is a Saudi Arabian Crowned Prince.
Tell America the incomes of all the Fox "contributors" and talking heads. You could suggest that Glen Beck who happens to be a Mormon with only one public wife, could easily marry Sarah Palin if she ever dumps her dead beat husband.

(ugly truth alert)

Yep, you too could engage in yellow journalism. What is more important, ethics or letting Obama get murdered at the hands of a religious right wing nut who has been carefully taught how important and necessary it is to shoot a black Muslim who is destroying America. They are taught that restoring America back to its original color of its founding fathers is first and foremost, HONORABLE. They are often told to take back America from the black clutches of evil even if it means your personal sacrifice.
But of course he can say what he likes because its guaranteed by the 1st ammendment. But even more impressive is that God now speaks through Rev. Beck so that anytime God orders you to do something through Glen Beck, its more than OK,   its obeying God. (only those who are the true faithfull will understand)
Glen also makes money on the marked up Gold he sells on TV. I for one would not be surprised that in addition to coins Glen Beck will eventually sell gold bullets that are suitable for despots and dictators? Restore America Ammo, Beck's Patriots, Gods Golden Angels, Presidential Seal Shells, Traitor Killers. No matter the name, I guarantee they would sell. Besides they are not lead which amkes tree huggers happy :(

I'm not laughing. It is a very expensive and dangerous game with blow back of monumental proportions. Who is martyred first is anyone's guess. But today, if forced, who would you wager to be the first to go?

I wonder if Sarah or Glen realize the jeopardy they are in, now that the right stands to win huge if they sacrifice one of their own and "catch" a non white SoCialISt for the crime.

They are not above using the worst fears and predjudice to light a match to this nation. Confederates did it before.
What we have here are NEO CONfederates. History is on their side, at least in terms of firing the first shot.