The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131815   Message #2977420
Posted By: Bobert
01-Sep-10 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Subject: RE: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Well, we know the Charlotte area well 'nuff to know we don't wanta be south, 'cause that's South Carolina, east or west so that leaves Lincoln County or northern Gaston county... In other words, that area between Charlotte and Hickory... Seems like there are affordable houses with 2-5 acreas, some with streams or lakes yet still close 'nuff tyo Charlotte fir me to get into town to play a little music...

I am alittle concerned about the NASCAR thang... Ya' see, the only reason I ever quit racing was the fact I was movin' from Richmond, where there was a round-e-round track to Wes Ginny where the car had to go both right and left (Summit Point) and my car didn't know how to go right (you know, kinda like me...) and it would have been too much work to make it go right so I sold it but now, hmmmmmmm???? Back to the round-e-round territory????

Nah... Betty Ford is alot cheaper... And safer...

Anyway, right now I gotta get somethin' liquir-dated so we'll have some pesos for the move...

Gonna try to keep the farm if possible and takes our good furniture off with uis, equip it with some less expensive stuff and rent it out as a weekly/weekend retreat... That way, we can come back and enjoy the fruits of our labor and also have a our own storage facility just 7 hours up the road in out "farrowing barn" (100 feet X 35 feet) where we can lock up all the stuff we don't want to take but might need one day...

We'll be down from Oct. 10 to 17th... sniffin' 'round...
