The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131838   Message #2977778
Posted By: Haruo
01-Sep-10 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wear Hijab (scarf) /Kufi (cap) on 9/11?
Subject: BS: Wear Hijab/Kufi on 9/11?
A friend of mine linked to this Facebook thread People of all faiths to wear Hijab or Kufi on September 11th, to which I replied
It would be most effective if I went at it in drag... aside from the most extreme female veiling, most other "Muslim" attire is actually rather ambiguous, I think. But a black habit with an eye slit, I think, tends to be seen as "clearly" Islamic dress. Maybe a Saudi 2-generations-off-the-camel-farm type robe would do, but I'm not sure even that would certainly make the point. A star-and-crescent armband, à la King Christian?
(I don't see kufis as "clearly" Muslim garb; in fact, there are a couple Baptist preachers here in Seattle who wear 'em routinely.)

Any 'catters thinking of participating in this or any other 9/11 stuff this year?
