The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131815   Message #2978036
Posted By: Bobert
01-Sep-10 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Subject: RE: BS: Ol' Hillbilly Movin' to NC??? Maybe...
Yeah, Eb... Stickin' 2 ol' houses together still only gets ya... ol' house and ol' houses ain't all that easy to keep cool 'cept...

If they built outta bigass timbers, well caulked and not lotta windows...

I was amazed a few years back down in Mississippi when I was taken to this ol' plantation where Mr. Sherman lives... He's got a "tater house" with 12 inchlog walls and not lotta windows in it... He got it fixed real nice in there... So it was in the 90s the day I was there and we went in that tater house it it was like in the high 60s... WITHOUT air conditioning!!!

But like takin' a Revolutuionary War house and matin' it with yer average Civil War house ain't gonna be none too cool and gonna be a snake pit, to boot... Wait a minute... Gonna be real cool come winter time...
