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Thread #131699   Message #2978911
Posted By: Ebbie
02-Sep-10 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
I've noticed that agnosticism is generally supported by some believers but atheism isn't.Stringsinger (love that handle!)

The answer to that, I think, is simple: Even believers have their moments of doubt; therefore they don't blame others for having doubts all the time. Doubt, to me, is a logical response.

"The fact that things exist that we can't scientifically measure doesn't imply the existence of anything else." John P

See, I think of that statement as being beyond arrogant. If you really mean that, do you also go along with the notion that everything that could possibly be invented is already here? That we already know everything? Tut tut.

"I don't know of any atheists who will declare with certainty that God does not exist. " Steve Shaw

For assertions regarding God's non-existence, just look at some of the above posts. Methinks some people have short memories.

"Agnostics just haven't made up their minds, and they have a serious problem of not having made up their minds about who and what they are on this planet. They have to answer to the hedging-of-bets charge, I reckon." Steve Shaw

See above.