The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2978931
Posted By: mauvepink
02-Sep-10 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Ebbie said "Even believers have their moments of doubt; therefore they don't blame others for having doubts all the time. Doubt, to me, is a logical response."

The person wasn't born who never had a doubt. In Christianity itself Christ doubted his ministry and task several times. To me it signifies his human failings, although failings is the wrong word, and his fears. If I were to believe it all I would take it to be that Christ himself really did know human emotion in the raw. He even asked that this cup be removed from him if it could be.... Very understandable and very human.

For me a believer who says they have never doubted is being somewhat economic with truths. If Christ had his doubts then there is certainly nothing to be worried about having doubts on belief. It is the overcoming of those doubts I well imagine that strengthen faith. AQx person never tested by a doubt can never really know what they would do if confronted with one. Blind faith is just that: blind. I believe you have to be able to see your way through things to be abel to know your faith is true.

Sadly I lack that amount of conviction. I am unable to have such faith with some proof. Perhaps that is my failing. I do often envy true believers their faith and commitment. But then I can also appreciate the athiests and agnostics viewpoints too and why they have come to that conclusion.

It's all very complex but does make for a facinating topic and conversation. To each their own :-)
