The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2979109
Posted By: Stu
03-Sep-10 - 05:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"The slippery slope in confusing these realms, as I have mentioned before to Bill is that you can easily get sunk into the apparent solidity of things and lose all contact with your higher qualities, reduced in scope to a dull-witted computing machine with no higher goal than to keep passing food through the food-tube."

I completely agree. The key to not reducing us to computing machines is to see and revel in our achievements as a race. Go and visit an art gallery. Pick up your musical instrument and play. Read philosophy (good luck mousethief!), read a novel etc etc. As I suggest below, it's rather unimaginative to say the least to condemn us to mere machines. We're much more than that.

"If only the universe knew what wonders it contained.

Maybe it does."

No maybe about it - it does and is still learning.

This is my point - I'll try making it again as the last time one or two of my phrases were a tad pejorative. If, at the very least there is no God(s) or any other divine being(s), if at the very least we are biological machines, conforming to a set of laws which govern the workings of the entire universe, then all is not lost; in fact all is wonderful. Because we are made of the same stuff as the stars, the planets and all those incredible cosmic sights that dazzle us and induce that feeling there is more to life than the daily grind. We are the universe ourselves, and we are conscious; we are the universe recognising and learning about it's true nature, we are the universe contemplating itself. And that's at the very least. How can one not be deeply moved by that thought?

P.S. Cheers Bill! I don't think it works on a Mac :-(