The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2979113
Posted By: mauvepink
03-Sep-10 - 05:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Steve says "No, you're quite safe. There will never be actual "proof" one way or the other. Saying that I'm an agnostic until proof shows up is just disingenuous. It's an uphill struggle for any agnostic to show that their agnosticism isn't just an insurance policy. Which it probably isn't in most cases, but there is a hill to climb there"

I personally do not see how I am being diingeneous by being honest about my own stance and my feelings about that stance Steve. You may think it is. That is your choice. But as I am the one who knows my thoughts and beliefs better than anyone I can assure you that my comments are far from the definition "not sincere, lacking candour" for disingeneous. I would also say that your statement that there will never be actual proof one way or another is a little too assured. You can believe that as is your right. I believe that there may be a time when some proof - if proof can exists at all ever - MAY be avaialable.

I have no uphill struggle to show or prove anything about my agnosticism not being an insurance policy. I never mind explaining it - as I see and feel it - but I do not need to justify it to you or anyone. People believe what they wish in the end anyway.

My agnosticism, to me, is a simple statement of me saying "I really don't KNOW". I have stated earlier in the thread that I am emotionally spiritual but intellectually skeptical. That much *I* KNOW about my thoughts and feelings on this. I am in the best place possible to know what I feel and think. If you think that disingeneous then fair enough. Though just because you think it does not make it true. As I have also stated. I know who and what I am.

I can, and do, respect you have your own ideas and thoughts. They differ from mine and I have no need to 'attack' your views in order to give my own greater validity because that never really does work in reasoned discussion. No matter how much one puts down someone's else's argument, seldom would it ever make your own more potent.

Sometimes one has to agree to differ with respect and not 'insults'. Besides. My insurance premiums are high enough. Why would I try to sustain insurance formsomething I am not committed to? lol

"Hello. Is that Heavenly Insurance? I would like a quote for my belief. Could you give me some idea of what the cost would be for taking out fully comprehensive, new-for-old, protected no claims on such a policy please?"

"Life?... you say it would cost my life? Oh my. That's quite a high price don't you think?"

