The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2979673
Posted By: mousethief
04-Sep-10 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Yes, you asked for kind thoughts but you also asked for prayers. Do you see them as equivalent?

No. Can't one ask for both? If I ask you for a sandwich and a glass of Coke, do you conclude they're the same thing? But really I was asking for one or the other.

A free-thinker?

Free-thinkers aren't allowed to make decisions? He said he never had the evidence to convince him. That doesn't mean he's a free thinker. It just means he hasn't had the evidence to convince him. For all we know he could be hidebound as a horse on some other topic. (I assume not, but I'm talking about the unjustified inference.)

Asking God to give you an advantage

That's one way to pray for a person, certainly. One could also pray that their nerves not be shot while waiting. Or that the people making the decision do not unfairly prejudice against them in any way. Etc etc. But these are things that believers talk about; probably atheists don't think about the various meanings and objects of prayer, since they don't pray. But they do jump to conclusions, don't they?

I think that a Freethinker has given intense thought to the idea of whether a god exists or not. I like this designation rather than the term atheist. It means to me that the question of the existence of a god has been thought through and conclusions that are reached are that there is no god.

If a Freethinker gives intense thought to the idea, and concludes a god does exist, does she thereby cease to be a freethinker? Or are you defining "freethinker" in such as way as to preclude ever coming to believe in God or god(s)? It reminds me of the hilariously self-congratulatory label "Brights" that some atheists have (or had) taken for themselves.

@Steve re. Lox: Lox's agnosticism seems perfectly reasonable to me. Your insistence that few people are agnostic for intellectually honest reasons almost smacks of religious dogma. Why is it so important to you that Agnostics call themselves Atheists?