The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2979929
Posted By: Bill D
04-Sep-10 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
my personal syllogism: (kinda hurriedly described, but you get the idea.. ;>)

IF there is a God who is all-powerful and omniscient, he must know that WE are weak and subject to confusion and capable of misunderstanding his 'word'.

If we are capable of misunderstanding, AND he wants us to conform to certain rules, he would need to remind us, clearly, more often than once in 2000 years or so, using his infinite powers to to communicate in all languages. (you thunder and lightning and the clouds spelling out "Stop that evil stuff...right now!")

Therefore, since we continue to bicker over details and engage in threads like this in our attempts to convince others of the 'right' way to think, EITHER there is no God, or he has no interest in our daily affairs....or he is simply amused by watching us flail about....or one of a few other possibilities. (One element of being an agnostic/skeptic is that I admit the **logical** 'possibility' of all those options)

corollary: 'free will' to account for 'his' non-intervention would be a non God-like 'gift', since it guarantees non-compliance. IF we do, in fact, have free will AS a 'gift from God', it is no different than free will as part of plain old evolution, and means we just have to do the best we can with NO absolute rules except those we choose to apply to ourselves as some sort of 'pragmatic' guide.

( other aspect of my personal set of syllogisms, which caused no end of consternation to some VERY persistent Jehovah's Witnesses, was..."I don't wish to live forever in a Heaven run by a God such as you describe, and according to the rules laid out in your Bible". When presented with my assertion that I did not accept the Bible as 'authority' due to this reasoning, they went and fetched an 'expert' Elder who came and read me more and different Bible verses to counter my confusions! You-just-can't-win. I think they put my address on a "hopeless-don't bother" list, as they have not been back.)