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Thread #131699   Message #2980855
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Sep-10 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"As to evolution, it surely is a fact recognized by reputable scientists. You can say that it is bigger than a fact, but it is a scientific fact nonetheless. Here, we quibble about semantics."

I'd go further. Evolution is true. Not in every nut and bolt of detail, but in its overarching context it is true. The basic idea of evolution is not going to be overturned. There are controversies within, sure enough. But the structure is impregnable. Insofar as we can say that anything is true, we can say it about evolution. I'm talking about its basic thrust, of course, as the explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, and anyone wanting to deny the truth of evolution needs to point to any of its basic tenets that, if demolished, would negate the whole theory, and show where they are fundamentally flawed. I think that's just about become an impossibility.