The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25280   Message #298140
Posted By: Roger in Sheffield
15-Sep-00 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fuel crisis
Subject: RE: BS: Fuel crisis
Eric the Viking
You have children?
I don't and I object to paying for your kids education through my taxes!
By all means take the fuel tax down and let parents pay for their children's education. Suits me fine - what do you think?

Only Joking !!!!!!! but that's how stupid and petty it can get.

On TV tonight one of the Farmers who organized the protest was seemingly close to tears as he showed the crop in his field that he says is ruined. he should have been harvesting it this week but instead was out protesting, now he cannot see how he can pass on the family farm to his children as his business is ruined.
I have lived on a farm, have sympathy with farmers, yet think they have been led astray to protest about the wrong cause. Farmers should be protesting about the low prices they are paid for their produce not the cost of diesel. we the consumers are happy to go to the supermarkets and pay ever lower prices for food and push farmers to the edge. Lets remember that it is hard to do without petrol but doing without food is much more difficult - So if we rely just on imports there could be real trouble ahead!
At the same time there different kinds of farmers. Some are very much businessmen only, large fields, environment be damned, hedges out. Others care deeply about their Farms, the countryside and the local community. The second kind should be supported, subsidized and valued – the first I fear picket oil depots for their own selfish purposes. For subsidy read Maintenance grant, a lot of the beauty of the 'Countryside' has been maintained by Farmers for the rest of us to enjoy. If all Farmers treated the job as purely Business then the Countryside would be as ugly as many industrial estates.
Roger – not at all behind the protest – distressed by a sudden liking of Tony Blair – can I get treatment for that?