The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131553   Message #2982155
Posted By: GUEST,FloraG
08-Sep-10 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Chaversham Hop Festival (3-5 Sept 2010)
Subject: RE: Chaversham Hop Festival (3-5 Sept 2010)
I'm sure your right (landlady guest). Having seen Rochester become a playground for 15 year olds over the years I have not had that feeling from Faversham.

Fido - priory morris run the C and A sing arounds as they have always done but well supported by Gundulf, Faversham folk club and the mummers and this year we had people from the Goood Intent, Dead Horse, Gong Scourers and Sompting. We know most of the people by name as they come back every year, so I think we get more things right than wrong. More singers than musicians but it is not exclusive.

What I don't understand is why Brogdale and the local schools are not more involved. It would seem an obvious venue/ date for Brogdale to publicise its work and offer trips round the site for people staying the weekend. ( Both the caravan and the caravan and camping club had sites for the weekend). We met a trustee of the Kent Wildlife trust and saw their stall but nothing from Brogdale.

Could faversham folk club run a lunchtime sing around?

We were the band for a local charity event this year and we raised £2000 for the air Ambulance - but the local state school did a country dance display and a local dance school and Flyball club were involved. The scouts sold vast numbers of beefburgers and hot dogs.   I'm sure Faversham has equally enterprising organisations.

However, its easy to make suggestions without doing any of the work involved from someone who does not live in the area. I do hope that there is enough local interest for the festival to continue and having been involved with Hepstead I do understand how much of a committment it is to organise anything like this - it is a bit like OFSTED - so much easier to critisise and then run - than roll your sleeves up and get involved.
