Nobody above seems to have specifed the, what seem to me, three distinct strains of 'Cruel Mother' (Child #20) variants still [or, at any event, v recently] current among children in Irish Republic, US & UK: viz ~ i 'Weelah Walya'; ii 'All Alone & Aloney-o...Down By the Greenwood Sidey-o'; iii 'Old Mother Lee'. I collected a variant of this last in September 1958 (my first week of teaching, & prior to publication of the Opies' "Lore & Language of Schoolchildren"), from 11-year-old Derek Hastings, a Met policeman's son, at Peckham Manor School, London SE15; & subsequently published it in Notes & Queries (Oxford Univ Press) for March 1966 under title "Murder With A Penknife: a children's song", speculating that the designation "the Fordie police" therein might also suggest some influence of Child #14 "Babylon; or The Banks Of Fordie".