The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132032   Message #2983540
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Sep-10 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Lloyd's Coast of Peru
Subject: ADD Version: The Coast of Peru (from Harlow)
I'll post some of the tunes I've found and we can see how they compare to Lloyd's version. Here's the version from Frederick Pease Harlow, Chanteying Aboard American Ships, (1962) pp. 222-223.


Come all ye young tars who are cruising for sperm,
Come all ye jolly seamen who have rounded Cape Horn:
For our captain has told us and we hope he says true,
That there's plenty of sperm whales on the coast of Peru.

The first whale we saw near the close of the day.
Our captain came on deck and thus he did say:
"Now, all my good sailors, pray be of good glee,
For we'll see him in the mornin' p'rhaps under our lee."

It was early next morning, just as the sun 'rose,
The man at the masthead cried out, 'Ere she blows!"
Where away?" cried our captain, as he sprang aloft,
Three points off our lee beam and scarce two miles off."

"Now brace up your yards, boys, and be of good cheer,
Get your lines in your boats, see your box lines all clear;
Haul back the main yard, boys, stand by, each boat crew,
Lower away, lower away! when the main yard swings to!

"Now bend to your oars, boys, just make the boat fly.
But whatever you do, boys, keep clear from his eye."
The first mate soon struck and the whale he went down,
While the Old Man pulled up and stood by to bend on.

But the whale soon arose, to the windward, he lay,
We hauled up 'longside, and he showed us fair play.
We caused him to vomit thick blood for to spout,
And in less than ten minutes we rolled him 'fin out.'

We towed him alongside with many a shout,
That day, cut him in and begin to boil out.
Oh, now he's all boiled out and stowed down below,
We're waiting to hear 'em sing out, "Ere she blows!"

Click to play

To me, this sounds very much like the tune Ewan MacColl used on the film score for Whaler Out of New Bedford