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Thread #129466   Message #2983666
Posted By: Teribus
10-Sep-10 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
Subject: RE: BS: US bigots attack British Company (oil spill)
One thing that the internal investigation does is knock a few "red herrings" down, that people on this forum were banging on about.

If the findings are verified as stated then criminal negligence may be proven against Transocean but gross negligence on the part of BP will be unlikely.

The timeline surprised me in as much as I was not aware that Transocean played around for as lonng as they did 40 minutes.

I await results of the examination of the BOP.

I stated from the outset two things happened:

1- The Cement Job failed

2- The BOP failed to function as it should

The "red herring" about Cement Bond Logging has now been dismissed, the operation could not be performed, it was not a case of BP attempting to cut costs. From someone in the industry involved in this aspect he said that even had they run such a test it would not have told them anything if the leak was at the shoe as stated in the report so far.