The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25391   Message #298378
Posted By: Joe Offer
15-Sep-00 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Blarney Brothers Cd release - Dallas
Subject: Down With the Thought Police
Well, I expect the lyrics to be posted, and I refreshed the Doesn't Rent to Gypsies request thread. If Larry or anybody else tries to intimidate people into not posting the lyrics, I will become extremely angry. My remark in the other thread is the one and only time I have told somebody to shut up in this Forum, and I think my remark was appropriate. Somebody requested lyrics to a song so they could find out what it was all about, and Larry and others jumped all over the requester (not that Larry had ever heard the song or seen the lyrics himself). I call that censorship by intimidation, and I think it's wrong.

The same thing went on in the "Folk Nazi" thread. The poor person who posted the term meant no harm at all, and yet he got battered with two long threads of criticism. This is supposed to be an open forum, a place where people can free to express ideas.

I sympathize with oppressed people, whoever and wherever they are. However, no matter how righteous your cause is, you still have no right to suppress ideas here by bullying people into silence. We don't need Thought Police. We can think things out for ourselves.
So, shut up, already, and let somebody post the damn lyrics so we can see for ourselves.
-Joe Offer-