The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2983831
Posted By: mauvepink
10-Sep-10 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Lox wrote "No it doesn't. Even Richard Dawkins says he is not certain that God doesn't exist. The delusion refers to the whole world of belief, with all its ceremony and trappings and elaborate "theology", that revolves around a being whose probability of existence is vanishingly small as measured on any rational scale."

As far as I am aware, all Dawkins is saying, is that the scientific probability of Gods existence, based on the knowledge we currently have about the observable universe, is very low."

And that is fair enough. If he would just stick to saying that. Where my upset is with what he says is about his comments about agnostics. He needs to cut people some slack for what they wish to believe in themselves... just because he cannot be certain himself. As I have said previously, I have lost all respect for him and believe me, I used to have him on a scientific pedistal. His attacks, while not personal to any ONE person, are still offensive simply because he cannot call others for being uncertain when he shows the trait himself... unless he joins in with them in uncertainty.

There is God's word and there is Dawkins. I cannot believe either of them no more when it comes to religion and the way it is presented. As such I simply have to find my own level to deal with this and I think a great many people do likewise. He really should not be so vociferous against those who differ from his dictates.

