The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25448   Message #298397
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
15-Sep-00 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Yet another theological question!
Subject: RE: BS: Yet another theological question!
What's this got to do with Folk Music, pray tell?

There are some fairly crediable books on the subject, some of which I used during a past life years ago to lead an adult Bible Study on the subject. there are several distinguishing criterion generally accepted by the vast majority of "mainstream" traditional Theologians. These include "Exclusive Community of the Elect": ergo: "WE're all goin' to Heaven but you damned infidels(heritics etc.) are all going to HELL!!! Nyah nyah nhya! Another is "Extracannonical Sources of Authority": If the Old Scriptures/Bible don't please us (or give us sufficient control over others), let's just write a more "enlightened" or "recently inspired" set of rules... like "Pearl of Great Price", "Book of M____","Doctrines and Covenants", the "Chatechisim" (oops; better DUCK here!) whereby ritual, practice, and in some cases lifestyle is dictated by the later works more so than the ancient standard "cannonical" Scriptures. The interpretation of biblical text is the strict pervue of the founders or leaders of the cult, and critical thinking, analysis, or open-mindedness of any sort within the "flock" are not condoned or tolerated, and in many instances severely sanctioned. Remember the "Spanish Inquisition"? (OOps! better DUCK again!) "Central Role in Eschatology": teaching that this particular group, to the exclusion of all others, will have a pivitol role in the "end times"; will recieve special treatment, rewards, and honors for keeping steadfastly true to the mores of the cult despite all opposition... and in many cases common sense. There are more, but I'm boring you terribly (Theology has a way of doing that), I forgot most of 'em, and if I were to keep on this course, someone out there would be craving my blood... if they arn't already! Seek patiently after the Truth, and in due season He will find you out. Don't be afraid to inquire of crediable, sincere (yes, there are some still out there) Ministers, Priests, Rabbis, or persons of charachter and concience in whom you discern the Light. You can pretty much trust your conscience and spiritual instincts: The Creator put them there for a reason. Look up into the star-filled night sky, or a flaming sunset, and commune freely with the transcendant Spirit; let it be a dialouge. Be still at times, listening with your heart. Go up on a mountain and sing "Kumbiah" or "Amazing Grace" or something like that. Listen to the wind. Seek out the Light, then touch it to your heart, and see what flame springs forth!

Shalom: "Uncle Jaque"