The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25450   Message #298440
Posted By: hesperis
15-Sep-00 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: Best Breakfast Cereal
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
I was going to vote for good, old-fashioned Shredded Wheat, but it's actually not the BEST breakfast cereal I've ever had. It's just the best for chowing down in five minutes when you need to be somewhere in a hurry.

The BEST is Raisin-Spice Oatmeal, the way I make it. Use rolled oats, not quick oats. A tiny pinch of salt in the water. Add the oats, then add big, juicy black thompson raisins, then add a dash of cloves, a double dash of allspice, and a LOT of cinnamon. You can even add a hint of ginger for that extra zing! to the taste. Then add a handful of sesame seeds. Then turn the heat down and simmer until it's done. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
It is SO good, you don't even have to add a sweetener.
You can put molasses, brown sugar, or honey on it, and pour on the milk. (Soymilk for me.)
I've had people who HATE oatmeal totally fall in love with it, and beg for the recipe. I have recieved 2 offers of marriage from the taste of this oatmeal. It's that good.
