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Thread #131699   Message #2984561
Posted By: Bill D
11-Sep-10 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"I tend to think that every sentient being has an afterlife of some sort, but I have no idea what that afterlife will be.."

It's interesting...once you 'decide' to think that way, you are implicitly open to questions such as "how far down do consider 'beings' to be sentient?" Are mice? Cockroaches? Were dinosaurs in their time? Does this mean they have 'souls'?...or just 'essences' which survive.
And were those souls or 'essences' there before the physical being? That is, is there an infinite pool of mouse 'souls' just waiting for mice to be born? And after the mice (or men) die, does their essence/soul rejoin the pool? Did we have souls BEFORE we had a theology to categorize the relationship OF souls, both in 'that metaphysical place' and as manifested in a body?
   What WAS the status of 'morality' in our ancestors 10,000 years ago? Or 50,000 years ago...before we had books of instructions? Was killing immoral then? If not, when did it become so?
.....and dozens more.
Silly Bill D?? Thinking up all those irrelevant questions just to confuse us? Sorry, but **IF** you 'believe' there is some sort of afterlife and something about yourself, and perhaps your dogm that 'may' get to go there, you ARE subject to all those questions, and more--whether you choose to dwell on them or not.

And that IS my point... accepting certain premises leaves you in a linguistic Limbo...even if you pretend not to notice. This sort of a corollary to my oft repeated mantra: "From false premises, anything follows." That is, IF any of your assumptions are incorrect, you can derive almost anything from them...including a theory that cockroaches have something like souls and it would be a sin to squash one! Even sillier? about Jainism. Or just ask certain Vegans why they worry about their diet. (I knew a woman who fretted about whether an egg has been fertilized before she ate it.) At least she tried to take her belief to its logical conclusion...even when her friends kept pointing out awkward points. (She had raoches in her house, but she would not stomp them or spray them...but she was seen scooping them up in a cloth and throwing them out in the snow. When it was pointed out they would die out there, she puffed up and declared, "I just want them out of my house...what God does with them after that is not my concern!"

So...once you decide that Fido gets an afterlife....or that YOU do, you gotta consider the implications.