The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25450   Message #298457
Posted By: Metchosin
15-Sep-00 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Best Breakfast Cereal
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
hesperis your oatmeal sounds yummy! Might try that on my husband tomorrow morning.

I spent a week with a group of people from Connecticut in the Canadian Rockies this summer. They just went nuts for our Canadian Sunny Boy Cereal and were stocking up on supplies to take back across the border. (In fact we wrote a song about Sunny Boy to the tune of Danny Boy about some of the cereal's side effects). I forced a few mouthfuls down for nostalic purposes, but still couldn't shake the memory of the accompanying Cod Liver Oil that was foisted on me, as a chaser, when I was small. That and the flax seeds you picked from your teeth til lunch, despite brushing.