The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25391   Message #298461
Posted By: Áine
15-Sep-00 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: Blarney Brothers Cd release - Dallas
Subject: RE: BS: Blarney Brothers Cd release - Dallas
Dear Branwen,

Thank you for your last post. I do believe that you respect my position; however, I can't say that I believe that you understand it. I doubt seriously if you have ever experienced the fear that I have, or have ever been a subject of loathing, as I have. Perhaps that is why I have spoken so strongly to the subject of this song. I sincerely want you to understand.

I never intended to bully you in any way, and I hope that you will always believe that. The passion in my responses was meant as a plea to you, and the others that see no harm in this song, to 'walk a mile in my shoes' and hopefully, feel the pain that the attitudes promulgated by this type of song can bring to other human beings.

I am not usually one of the folks here at the Mudcat that 'rant' very often. In fact, hardly ever. You won't find my name in most of the 'opinion' threads here. As a matter of fact, I hardly ever even read them. This has been one of the rate instances where I could not keep silent, and I felt that I had the chance to light a wee candle in the darkness. I see, however, that I have failed. But I will pray with all my heart that you will see the light one day, and rejoice in the freedom of the heart that it will bring you. I wish you a long life filled with knowledge; but, keep an eye on those dragons, OK?

-- Áine