The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131826   Message #2985005
Posted By: The Sandman
12-Sep-10 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Child Ballads survived in oral trad.
Subject: RE: Child Ballads survived in oral trad.
apologies for further thread drift , but there is a interesting book called englands greatest spy "eamon de valera", by john j turi, published by stacey international.
eamonn de valeras original name was george de valero, his mother gave him the nicknme, eddie.
there is some possibilty that his father was not de valero, but his[eamons] mothers employer,mr giraud, but this has not been proven ,neither was it proven whether de valero was the father.
    "in ireland the songs music and dancing were always home activities"
sorry that is in correct, music was played at threshings, and there were also crossroad dances, in fact in Matt Cranitch fiddle tutor there is a picture of dancers at ventry outside in the street c 1906.
always is incorrect ,jim.
I knew an old fiddler who was bon in the 1920s and he told me he played fiddle music at threshings, ihave no reason to think he was not telling the truth