The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132080   Message #2985162
Posted By: gnu
12-Sep-10 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tommy Douglas, the Father of Medicare (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Tommy Douglas, the Father of Medicare (Canada)
I used to like to listen to RĂ©al Caouette too. He could paint a picture with words and he was of the same ilk as Douglas. Caouette could have learned sommat from Douglas... Social Credit was never going to get very far so he might have been better off doing what Douglas did, although the chances of doing it were slim indeed.

Douglas was a master politician and orator who managed to get a nearly impossible job done. Perhaps aided by the life and times. Could he do it today? I'd say chances are slim to none given the money grubbing, grandstanding... I'd better stop as I am on blood pressure watch.

In any case, the statue should be touted as a National Shrine.

Of course, if many people were to make pilgramages to see it, Steven Harper would try to find a way to sell it to the Chinese to market it, provide maintenance... I gotta stop.

Thanks Tommy. A true Canuck hero.