The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2986504
Posted By: Lox
14-Sep-10 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Oh yes ... and another thing ...

There is a big difference betweeen the TV and "I" in this essential respect.

In the case of the TV, we can see a definite chain of thermodynamic events, involving the transformation of electrical energy into light, sound, kinetic and heat energy.

We know where all the energy goes.

There is no surplus and no deficit at the end.

What goes in, comes out, and the books are balanced.

The picture is light energy, the voice is sound energy, the cathode ray gun sweeps across the screen using kinetic energy, and the TV heats up and that energy rises and dissipates into the room, into the atmosphere and ultimately into space.

In the Brain, we see chamical energy turning into electrical impulses in the brain.

But what type of energy is "I" made of?

What are its properties?

and are the books balanced when it is factored into the brains thermodynamic cycle?

chemical energy goes in and is transformed into electrical energy, and of course heat, which again dissipates into the atmosphere.

But unlike with a TV, the "Image" is not a recognizable form of energy.

The electrical energy in the TV transforms into light ... thats the type of energy from which the image is composed.

The electrical energy in the brain transforms into ... a type of ethereal hologram? ... a "soul" ... certainly it correlates perfectly with "I"'s experience, both external and internal.

And when we die, where does this "I" energy go?

How much energy does an "I" need.

I believe that this is something that could be scientifically tested in an experiment.

The results could show whether I is defined by, or is independant of this universes thermodynamic cycle.

Which in turn could indicate whether "I" is an earthly 'product' of electrical impulses, or whether "I" is something else ... a ghost in a machine ... a partner in a symbiotic relationship between an organic host lifeform and an otherwise freefloating "I".

And who knows, maybe, if it cannot be explained where this energy goes when we die, then just maybe it doesn't rejoin the thermodynamic cycle of this universe as all the chemicaal energy contained in us does, but maybe it dissipates into a different universe/dimension/reality/world/afterlife.

Maybe a soul needs to inhabit an organic body to experience this universe.

Maybe we can experience other universes in other compatible vessels ...

Bill D ...

You're quite good at spotting shortcoming in ideas ...

Anyone ...

Spot any big flaws or unsupported premises?