The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2986685
Posted By: Lox
14-Sep-10 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
"Because of the nature of DNA and evolution, to turn DeCartes around, "I am, therefore I think" rather than the reverse."

In fact, he never said "I think therefore I am"

To quote him accurately, he says:

"I am, I think."

This isn't the same thing as "I think therefore I am."

It isn't a logical construct.

It is a subjective experience described.

So to manipulate it as though it were an argument is not to deal with it at all, let alone counter it.

Now, if you read through my posts again, you will note that I am not expressing a view about what the mind is, though I allow myself the luxury of a few fun hypotheses.

I am on the other hand recognizing, as Bill confirms and as scientists are allegedly trying to measure, that if electrical energy is required for the mind to function, then it follows that that electrical energy is needed to fuel the minds energy, just as electrical energy is needed to fuel the light energy from which a TV image is formed.

So what does the electrical energy convert into?

What kind of energy is mind energy?

It isn't light, or sound, it isn't potential energy or kinetic ...

... but it does exist - how do I know? ... well ... because "I"/my mind very clearly exists.

Unlike a Unicorn, of whch I can conceive, but of which I have never had any experience, I experience my mind all the time, yet in a beautiful twist of reason, I am unable to conceive of it except in the realms of my imagination. I just am "it".

I [verb] - for all of us this is the premiss of every idea or bit of knowledge we have.