The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132145   Message #2986988
Posted By: Slag
15-Sep-10 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers
Subject: RE: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rodgers
I happened to catch the, or at least A, Lee Marvin appearence on Jonny Carson and He told the story of getting shot in the butt. He said for years he never told anyone because it was so embarrassing. How he got into acting was a real charmer. He was working as a plummer and while fixing something or the other at the theater ( sorry, I don't remember which one, just New York City) someone did not show up for rehearsal. The directory asked him if he could read so the others could finish rehearsal and the rest, as they say, is history.

I don't recall the mention of Keeshan by Mr. Marvin but I do recall elswhere that Keeshan was a WWII veteran, purple heart recipient. I am now interested in finding out more about him. He also played Clarabell the Clown on the Howdy Doody Show.

Another fellow you wouldn't think of as a hero was Don Adams of "Get Smart" fame. I don't know about his medal records but he was in the fight for Guadalcanal. Like most, he wouldn't talk about the horrific experiences but it profoundly affected his life. In the brief bio I read it stated that until his dying day he would often wake up screaming in the night. Brrr.

I have had the priviledge of knowing a few of these folks who were in the worst of the combat, both WWII, Korea and Nam. It affects / affected them. It couldtn't help but affect them. How each dealt with those memories varied widely but those are other stories.

Why someone would sit around and make up stories and half truths, I don't know. It does no one any good and ultimately brings question down on those who have serve bravely and gallantly. God bless everyone of them who served and fought, for their commitment to this nation, its people, its ideals and standards. They gave so much, some their all, that we might enjoy the freedoms we have.