The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132145   Message #2987002
Posted By: Slag
15-Sep-10 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers
Subject: RE: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rodgers
Just checked the webb on Bob Keeshan. Yup, he was a Marine, a reservist for the most part and never deployed overseas. Put that one to rest. My baby sister loved Capt. Kangaroo. I was several years older than she and teased her about Capt, Kangaroo-coo-coo! She'd get furious at me. And now I don't blame her. He was, by all accounts, a wonderful man.

Lee Marvin was in the battle for Saipan when he took a round to the tukhes! It wasn't Iwo but it was the fiercest battle up to Iwo, a preview one might say of the horrors to come.

A side note. I used to sneak out of my house and go to my friend's abode to smoke cigarets and watch Johnny Carson. This began in my junior year in high school. First period was history with Dr. Lewis Segasvary. I don't think I ever heard a thing he said as I was asleep. Had to take that one over in the summer!