The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132145   Message #2987103
Posted By: ragdall
15-Sep-10 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers
Subject: RE: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rodgers
Nice stories. (sniff!)

Dan, we have two friends who are urban legend magnets and never bother to check Snopes, even though they've been made well aware that they could check before forwarding.

The most recent forward I got from one of them was about cell phones causing explosions at gas stations, "FW: Shell Oil Report! MUST READ, EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR /cellphone‏".
.... The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations

In the first case, the phone was placed on the car's trunk lid during fueling; it rang and the ensuing fire destroyed the car and the gasoline pump.

In the second, an individual suffered severe burns to their face when fumes ignited as they answered a call while refueling their car!

And in the third, an individual suffered burns to the thigh and groin as fumes ignited when the phone, which was in their pocket, rang while they were fueling their car....
Shell denies issuing the warning. I wonder who makes these things up and what the motivation is to do so?
