The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122558   Message #2987329
Posted By: Stringsinger
15-Sep-10 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
The Reactionary Right Elite in the US has a propaganda technique that they have somewhat successfully employed. The accuse others of what they do themselves. It is a procedure
of turning an argument on its head. It has an Orwellian component to it. "War is Peace",
"Freedom is Slavery" and the Republicans have their "Ministry of Truth".

Beck is an attention grabbing entertainer who riles up his supporters through anger and fear. He offers no decent social solution to any of the problems he poses. It reminds me
of a "death metal concert" that has appeal for morbid audiences.

Beck's use of jingoism, rabid ranting and attempting to influence a base has a familiar
ring to it.