The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132081   Message #2988166
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
16-Sep-10 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't ask don't tell
Subject: RE: BS: Don't ask don't tell
Zero tolerance of ANY bullying should be the order of the day IMHO. Whatever the basis of it happening, there can never be an excuse for it. I know it goes on in the military as I had personal experience of it when I was in. I can tell you it makes your life hell and affects your job due to worry and lack of sleep at times. Being scared each day is not a great way to live a career. At that time a great deal of my bullying happened because I was getting confirmed at church and the flight would have to get up one Sunday to attend. That's how it started. Others were bullied for other reasons. I do not recall any homophobic bullying in the RAF on my camp though.

In the military there is much talk about honour. What honour takes place to bully someone who is weaker than the others? I would have thought honour would lead to a helping hand, not a boot in the back.

Throughout history gay men have laid down and died for their countries. In these more enlightened times, one would hope, sexuality should not be an issue at all but many go out of their way to make it so. It's just another excuse to bully.

The whole idea that gay men or women fancy EVERYONE of their own gender is a fantasy that goes off in the minds of those who fear homosexuality. Of course they don't. No more than hetrosexuals fancy every siingle person of the opposite sex. And, just like most hetrosexuals, gay folks also have controls built in. Being in a foxhole with someone who is gay should bother no-one. Why should there be such upset?

Live and let live because these gay people in the forces are willing to die for what they are doing and believe... but not at the hands of their own comrades
