The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2988289
Posted By: GUEST,Skivee
16-Sep-10 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
"Iam never ever intoxicated. Stop attacking the messenger"
Conrad, I have seen you drunk at several festivals. I've seen you drunkenly interupting performers on stage shouting out demands for your favorite songs...that had nothing in common with the performer's repetoire. One of the performers you did this to was me.
I've seen you invite yourself to a private party after a festival. At that party, you repeatedly interupted invited guests mis-song to squeak out unrecognizable tunes on a penny whistle. When asked, you admitted that you had no idea what tune *YOU* were tooting out. You were just making noise to screw with the folks who'd been asked to sing songs for our hosts.

I've seen you come breath-takingly close to running over festival participants by driving your truck down a crowded access road at 50mph just after closing. Venders were in the process of tearing down their displays and packing up. People were quite literally jumping out of your way to save their lives. You were gunning it so hard that you were throwing gravel behind you skidding. Make no mistake. You nearly killed people that day.

This was at a fest where you had volunteered to be a stage announcer.
You talked about your personal "potato Famine" fetish for 15 minutes into a Welsh choir's 1/2 hour set, then cut them off after they'd done 15 minutes because you "had to keep the stage on schedule." There's a reason that you aren't asked to announce at many festivals in the area anymore.
I could share other stories of your drunken self-serving inappropirateness, but I doubt you even remember these few that I've related.