The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132145   Message #2988711
Posted By: ragdall
17-Sep-10 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers
Subject: RE: BS: Lee Marvin Captain Kangaroo, Mr Rogers
Whenever I get one of these bogus stories I usually ask the sender to send out a retraction to the folks they sent it to - does anyone else do that? Do you think the corrections ever get sent?

I've tried this, sent a link to Snopes, suggested that they check before sending, even used artbrooks's approach of replying to all. I have no reason to believe that either person retracted their emails. I know that chain letter warnings that defy logic.

The ones that annoy me the most are the e-mails that hint that, should I ignore their instruction to forward their email to 500 of my closest friends, death or some other evil will befall me. I usually reply to the sender, tell them I don't appreciate getting death threats and ask them to remove me from their address book.
