The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198 Message #2988778
Posted By: Phil Edwards
17-Sep-10 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: Origins: The Dolphin
I was going to ask a question about a line in a song I know as "the Dolphin", but when I look I can't find it anywhere. It begins
Our ship she lay at anchor, In Liverpool Dock she lay Awaiting for fresh orders And our anchor for to weigh Bound down for the coast of Africa, Our orders did run so, O we're going to sink and destroy, my boys, No matter where we go.
They promptly meet "a tall lofty ship" which asks them from whence they came...
O we've just come down from Liverpool town And the Dolphin is our name.
Terrific song, sung to great effect by Tony Capstick (on ...Does a turn) and by Dave (at the Beech). Does anyone know any more about it, or why I can't find it anywhere?