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Thread #131699   Message #2989001
Posted By: GUEST,josep
17-Sep-10 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Somebody asked how Schroedinger's Cat (which I will hereafter refer to as SC) proves there is Universal Consciousness.

Well, we know that the cat is in an opaque box containing a decaying radioactive substance that will trigger a hammer that will smash a jar of cyanide that will spill into the box and kill the cat. So we put the cat in the box and a few hours later we come back and prepare to open the box. What are the chances the cat is alive or dead? It's 50-50. However, the cat is a quantum object (just as all objects are quantum objects) meaning it is a wave function which is only collapsed by consciousness.

Since we do not know the state of the cat, by Quantum Theory, it is not 50-50 that it could be alive or dead but rather it is 50% alive and 50% dead in potentia. This is called a coherent superposition. It is transcendent and so cannot be perceived by us. What must happen is that consciousness must observe the cat which will collapse the wave function of the cat into a perceivable state of alive or dead or what we call an immanent position. The 50-50 state of the cat is called a dichotomy.

Suppose we put a geiger counter in the box? Now we look at the counter and if it registers a particle then we know the state of the cat. But here's the problem: the counter picks up the dichotomy. Before we look it it, it is in a state of both 50% tripped and 50% untripped in potentia. Ok, so we add a second counter after that to tell us the state of the first counter. Then the dichotomy is transferred to the next counter and so on.

The only thing that transforms the coherent superposition into immanence is consciousness. We have to open the box and look.

But suppose two people each have a camera in the box that they can look through and see the cat and let's say they cannot see or communicate with each other in any way. Both look through their respective camera viewers at exactly the same moment. Which one collapses the wave function and why didn't the other person get any say?

Neither person gets any say. This is called observer invariance. One observer is all observers and all observers are one observer. We all will see the same thing--the cat is either alive or dead. One observer won't see a live cat and the other sees a dead one. If the universe worked like that then when we approach a stoplight, you would see a green light, I would see a red, someone else would see a yellow and we'd all be right--and we'd all be dead. But we know the world doesn't work like this. Observer invariance sees to that.

But WHY don't we all see something different? WHY is there observer invariance? The only answer is because all consciousness is one or unitive as QM likes to say. SC proves that your consciousness and mine are not separate but identical. Then why are we all different? Because we are in separate bodies doing different things and experiencing in different ways i.e. we have separate egos. But what allows us to do that is consciousness and it is unitive, indivisible. To put it mystically--we are all illuminated from within by the same light source.

The ancient peoples knew this--you find it in Buddhism, Hinduism, Gnosticism. Heck, read the opening chapter of the gospel of John. It tells you what Jesus Christ actually is--not a creature of history but the light that illuminates us all. Paul said the same thing when he wrote that "Christ is risen in me." I'm not proselytizing but merely demonstrating that what modern Christianity teaches is NOT what was really meant by the people who wrote that stuff. They were WAAAAAY out there. They'd laugh in embarrassment to see what pap their writings and philosophy is used for nowadays.

Now for some real fun, puzzle out what would happen if we put a conscious human in the box. Yes, that was thought of and we know the answer and it changes nothing but see if you can puzzle it out.