The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132185   Message #2989098
Posted By: GUEST,Guest - Lin
18-Sep-10 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mobile/Cell Phones
Subject: RE: BS: Mobile/Cell Phones
Today I was trying to walk to a bus stop and this young woman who looked to be in her 20's was walking and talking on her cell phone. Well she almost walked right into me as she was so involved with her cell phone call that she was not even paying attention to where she was walking. I had to quickly move out of her way fast otherwise she would have walked right into me and she didn't even apologize. I have a cell phone myself but hardly use it and have not used the text feature. Yes, it is true, I do not text at all.

We have a cell phone/texting law in my state but it is not enforced at all. I see people all the time talking on a hand held phone or texting while driving and it seems to be getting worse.

My other pet peeve is when I am in a bank line waiting for a teller to help me, I see people all the time who have reached the teller counter and they are still talking on their cell phone even when the teller is trying to help this customer. There are no manners anymore or so few people have manners and just talk on their phones no matter what. I take the bus sometimes and there are passengers aboard the bus who talk really, really loud on their cell calls that everyone around can hear the entire conversation. It's very irritating and there is just no getting away from it. Some passengers keep their voice low but most don't and this is also in restaurants, shops, libraries and church!!!

At one time the librarians used to say something to people using their cell phone inside the library and also signs were posted but now they don't even bother to enforce it anymore.
I can't believe it's come to that now where you cannot even go to the library and avoid it.

Another thing I noticed is that young people in their 20's and 30's ALWAYS HAVE THEIR CELL PHONE IN THEIR HANDS. They may not be using their phone but it is not in their purse, not in their pocket but it is almost like an extension of their hand-----they cannot be without their phone. There are older people like that too of course but most seem to be anywhere from teens, 20's and 30's. They just cannot put their phone away at all.

I saw this one lady who did put her phone in her purse but every few minutes she would take it out and look at it again and again and again for at least 45 minutes.

I have to live with it of course because it is everywhere and people just cannot live without texting or constantly on their cell phone.
I used to be able to ride a bus in peace and read a book or newspaper but just not possible anymore as everyone is on their cell phone and talking loud! I think the worst thing though is the ones who drive and text or holding a hand held phone and driving. It really is dangerous.

Unfortunately even though there is a law now about not doing it, no one pays attention to this law and they continue to drive and text.

Someone posted a message that there is a shop where they live that has a sign posted that they will not help you if you are on your cell or something like, I have never seen that before but not a bad idea!

Bottom line is is that I just wish people would consider the safety factor about using their cell phone while texting & talking and others had manners when using their phones in public places, such as libraries, on buses, at the bank, church, etc.