The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132161   Message #2989359
Posted By: romanyman
18-Sep-10 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Poor Were (Are) You?
Subject: RE: BS: How Poor Were (Are) You?
can someone define poor, i had only a few years back a nice house that i had worked bloody hard for, a good job, very well paid , (excesivley so ) a very good life in fact, that all came to a crashing end, due to a con trick by my ex missus and her lover, I lost it all, including my sanity, (really) i suffered a massive breakdown, not because the material things had gone, but because i found my life had gone, material things eventually can be replaced, but of all the things i lost my mind is the thing i miss most, (you have to have had a mental episode to really understand that bit) i now have nothing and live on state pension, but i have a good woman who understands the dark dark days when they hit me, i have good friends around, so really i am rich in other ways. i dont have cash to throw about but i manage