The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25464   Message #298943
Posted By: Lucius
16-Sep-00 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Them N*****s Stole My Watermelons
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
On the one hand, there seems to be enough muck out there without raking anymore. However, I must confess that I have an interest in "offensive" songs, as they do reflect changing socitial views.

Consider a song like "Take me back to Tulsa" : Small bee gets the nectar, big bee gets the honey, darkie picks the cotton, boss he gets the money. --I'm not ready to sing this to my third grade class, but I believe that there should be some way of remembering what we were as a society, without reveling in it.

Soooo..... I'm no judge as to whether this is a troll or a legit inquiry, but I'd rather give the benefit of a doubt, unless someone can further enlighten me.
